Bavette - Gastronomía

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2 Respuestas para “Cannelés de Bordeaux”

  1. Adelina says:

    Hello Ettore!

    I just want to drop a few lines letting you know how much I absolutely appreciate your work and dedication! I stumbled upon your video several months ago and I’ve been watching almost all of your videos; about a few times a week! You are such a wonderful teacher to watch. Your instructions are very informative, easy-to-understand, and very creative. There are many baking videos but I always find yours to be the most helpful and informative. Your setup is simple, clearly shown equipments, tools, and techniques that I can follow and that I know you want everyone to be able to succeed in doing. I cannot thank you enough for your dedication, and the desire to share your expertise and knowledge. It’s rare these days to learn about baking and pastry techniques without having to fail multiple times or take expensive classes to learn just a few things. You are very generous!

    There are videos I watched just to see how you executed things but they are beyond my skills at this time. There are videos I have noted down to do, and there is a video I successfully completed for my son’s birthday cake – the passion fruit and coconut cake. We all love it so much, and I have your video and you to thank for! I watch your videos with your English subtitles and it is very helpful!

    Please keep up your work! Your passion and dedication truly is genuine and shine! Thank you again for everything

  2. chicavideo says:

    «Hola Ettore, soy Maria y he probado estos deliciosos cannelés de Bordeaux y no puedo dejar de comentar lo impresionada que estoy con su sabor y textura. La corteza crujiente y caramelizada junto con el tierno interior es simplemente irresistible. Además, el hecho de que sean tan fáciles de preparar y que sólo se necesiten unos pocos ingredientes los hace aún más especiales. No puedo esperar para probar tu receta y sorprender a mis amigos y familiares. ¡Gracias por compartir esta joya culinaria con el mundo!»

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