Bavette - Gastronomía

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4 Respuestas para “Pastel de Chocolate con crujiente de Almendra y Feulletine”

  1. Casie says:

    Hola Ettore ,
    Hoy (8/7/2020) he descubierto tus fabulosos videos y me encantan. Me gustaria saber si has escrito un libro y donde podria comprarlo.
    Un saludo desde Tucson, AZ. USA

  2. צביה says:

    I love your risepies

  3. Savvas says:

    Hello Ettore.
    Something is wrong in whipped milk chocolate ganache ingredients.
    140gr chocolate
    100gr Cream
    250gr Cream
    In the instructions, you write to bring to a boil 140gr of cream.. I think this is a mistake.
    Can you please reply me the correct amount?
    Thanks, a big fan of you in Cyprus!

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